2011년 1월 26일 수요일

D-2 Go Home

How can I do..? Smile or crying!? Only 2days left to go home, in other words, only 2days left to study at KMLA, for GLPS camp. Frankly saying, I miss my family, friends in school,my home, and even Dague! But, I feel very sad when I see the world "D-2 Go home" in my cell phone. Tomorrow, it would change to "D-1" and then, the day to go home comes. It was the first time to go 1month camp, to come KMLA which is my dream, and to live with only friends for one month! As everything is first to me, I would miss very much after I come home back. And I feel thankful for many people. Firstly, thank you to parents as they believe me and allow to me to come here, and made me realize many things. Next, thank you for great teachers who taught me. I learned many new things, such as how to de

3rd Narrative

Hello, I am a student whose room is 808. There is one roommate whose name is "Angella", today, I'm going to talk about her to you. You may have at least one roommate who oversleeps frequently and who talks oneslf while she or he sleeps. There is one, and she is ANGELLA! One time, while I was sleeping, someone shouted. "HELP ME! HELP ME!" And I opened my eye, she was Angella, again. That day, when she got up, she was upside down. Furthermore, she always murmur when she sleeps. Today, when I went back to the dormitory after ate the breakfast... Angella was sleeping, the time was 5minutes before 8:00 a.m. I thought she already got up cause I shaked her to wake up for about 10 minutes. Finally, she got up and ran to cafeteria. As a roommate, I hope she goes to bed ealrier and gets up herself everyday. Pease!!T.T

2nd narrative

You are Angella, my roommate,right? Hew! When are you going to get up at 7:00 yourself? What a tired to me! Whenever time to go to the cafeteria, we are all together except you. Why? Because you always oversleep that even 5roommates include me try to wake you up. I understand you are able to tired, but that's what I do, too! T,T   Especially today, it was terrible, wasn't it? We shaked you for 10 minutes, but you even moved. And there is one more bad habbit when you sleep. Guess what. You may now that! I wondered that you talk yourself when you sleep. For one example, I remember that was at about 1:00a.m. Suddenly, someone said "No, no!! Please, do not tickle me ! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee...", I thought there was a ghost in my dormitory, but it was just your performance. Therefore, you know that when you got up, you were upside down. I hope you do not shout while we sleep, and plese! please get up earlier.♥

1st Narrative

My name is Angella. Today morning it was very terrible. When I opned my eyes, the time was 5 minutes before 8:00 a.m!! What a shock ! My roommates said all together, "I shaked you for 10minutes, but you didn't get up! -_-Hewwwwwww! What a tired!" Then, I realized that I couldn't get up even they tried to wake me up. I washed my face quickly and went straight to the cafeteria, because I'm a person who can not live without breakfast, even though it was late to go. As it happens everyday, I am a little bit sorry to my roommates as they always have to wake me up. As I do in my school, I'm late to my school a lot because it's very hard to get up early to me, therefore, getting up until 7 clock is pretty impossibe to me. But I have to go to my school, I am going to try to listen my alarm and go to cafeteria with my roommates !


2011년 1월 24일 월요일

1st 2nd and 3rd Narratives

There are 1st ,2nd, and 3rd narratives.
They are about my camplife in morning.
Especially, they treat about difficulties to get up.^^
I hope you enjoy it!

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

History Presentation

Hi! You know- I'm ANGELLA. I'll write a speech that I presentated at history class-

Hello everyone, My name is Angella, and I'll explain you how Marco Polo's book was published and the influence of the book. I'll talk about who is Marco Polo firstly, then, I'll let you know his book's informations. Thirdly, I'll introduce how his book became published. And, I'm going to explain the book's steps. Lastly, I'll talk about the influence of his book.
 Do you know who is Marco Polo? He was a Christian merchant from the Venetian Republic who wrote 2 Millione, which introduced Europeans to Central Asia and China. However, he lived in an interesting period in world history. Europe was awakening from the Dark Ages in a time of religious crusades that means that it was admitted a series of religiously military compaigns, and was quickly increasing trade areas. In contrast, Chinese civilization had very deep roots, but at the time was  under Mongol rule. The empire of Kubulai Kahn was one of the largest kingdoms to ever exist. Marco Polo was one of the very few people to know this period in traditional China through the eyes of a European. His book, a rare perspective on Asian cultures, is an important work on his period in China's history. He learned about trading while his father and uncle, Nicolo and Maffeo, travelled through Asia and met Kublai Khan. The three of them started on an enormous journeyto Asia, returning after 24years to find Venice at war with Genoa; Marco was jailed, and said his stories to a cellmate. He was released in 1299, became a wealthy merchant married and had 3children. He died in 1324, and was buried in San Lorenzo.
 The next one is about informations about Marco Polo's book, his fame today derives by a writer from Pisa named Rustichello. The book is not so much a diary of his travels as it is a book of observations about his journey, a gazetteer, that means a book or a part of a book which lists and describes places, of all that he saw. In Marco's day, the book was translated and copied by hand into several languages. Christopher Columbus often beencalled The Book Of  Travels. The Travels Of  Marco Polo. The Book Of  Ser Marco Polo, A Description Of  The World, and even, 2 Milione. This last was a nick- name given to Marco by critics of his million soties.
 Now, let's know about how his book came about. The book was written in old French by Da Pisa, a romance author of the time, who was reportedly working from accounts which he had heard from Marco Polo when they were jailed on Genoa having been captured while on a ship. A 1937 book titled "The History Of  The United States", by William B Guitteau, offers the following claim, "Returning home at last, Marco Polo later became a political prisoner in Genoa: and to while away the time wrote the story of his travels. This book was first printed in 1477: it was read critically by Christopher Columbus and a copy with unimportant notes by the great navigator may still be seen in the Columbia Library at Seville."
 There are some further exploration that is handwritten notes by Christopher Columbus on a Latin edition of Polo's book. See also : Age of  Discovery, Europeans in Medival China, and Rafael Perestello. Other lessor - known European explorers had already travelled to China, such as Giovanni Da Pian Del Carpine, but Polo's book meant that their journey was the first to be widely known. Christopher Columbus was inspired enough by Polo's description of the Far East to visit those lands for himself: a copy of the book was among his belongings, with handwritten annotations. Bento De Gois, inspired by Polo's writings of a Christian kingdom in the east, travelled 4,000 miles in three years across Central Asia. He never found the kingdom, but ended his travels at the Great wall of China in 1605, proving the Cathy was what Matteo Ricci called "China".
 In addition, the travels is devided into 4books. Book one describes the lands of the Middle East and Central Asia that Marco encounted on his way to China. Book two describes China and the court of Kublai Khan. Book three describes some of the coastal region of the East; Japan. India. Sri Lanka. Southeast Asia. and the east coast of Africa. Finally, book four describes some of the recent wars among the Mongols and some of the regions of the far north, like Russia.
 Lastly, I'll explain you about the influence of the book, which is the last part of my presentation. After Marco Polo published his book, 2 millione it became enormously influential and served in Europe as one of the primary sources of information about the Orient for many centuries. Christopher Columbus, for instance, took the book with him on his important voyage to the Americas. It also inspired a number of legends, brought the secrets of spaghetti, and ice cream with him back from China.
 So, I talked you about who is Marco Polo, how did his book come out, the other names of it, 2 Millione, steps of it ,and the infleunce of the book. Plus, my topic was "How did Marco Polo's book come out? And what was the influence of book?" Thank you for listening my presentation.

Marco Polo
Marco Polo
A page of the Domesday Book on Warwickshire. (View Larger)
Marco Polo's bookThe Domesday Book. (View Larger) /></p></a>  <p>William I of England, better known as <a href=The Domesday Book. (View Larger) /></p></a>  <p>William I of England, better known as <a href=

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Diament Poem!

Hello everyone, you know, I'm angella.
Firstly, Let's see thd Diament Poem's sample.

 1.  1noun
 2.  2adjectives
 3.  3 -ing verbs
 4.  4nouns
 5. 3 -ng verbs
 6.  2 adjectives
 7.  1noun

Then, let's see mine-

the first one_

Precious, Comfortable
Scolding, Talking, Teaching
Parents, Siblings, Talk, Frankness
Fighting, Chatting, Playing
Fun, Intimate
▶ Our families are very precious to us and we feel comfortable when we meet them. Sometimes, they scold us, but we talk with them a lot, also, they teach us a lot. In addition, when I consider of them, I think the words, parents and siblings. In the other hand, when I consider of a fun and antimate friend, I think the words of talk and frankness. Also, most of my friends are fun and imitate.

The second one_

Close, Friendly
Chatting, Eating, Dancing
Kindness, Help, Class, English
Arguing, Helping, Talking
Obling, Kind
▶All of my roommates are close and friendly to me, and we chat, eat, and dance a lot We help each other a lot and I think the word 'kindness' when I consider about them. In other words, most of my classmates are obling and kind, and they help and talk each other a lot, too. Sometimes, we argue in debate classes. So, when I can think the words 'class' and 'English' with them.